Schlagwort-Archive: Moscow

Face Saving Strategy for Donbass

A face saving strategy is the ultima ratio at this moment in the Donbass-Ukraine

July 30, 2014

  1. An immediate cease of all war activities should, if only to aid in the clarification of the MH 17 crash, be negotiated and implemented as quickly as possible. A positive wend would thereby be made possible.

-Arguments from Kiev’s side:   Goodwill and can avoid further civilian casualties.

-For the Kremlin:  strategy for out and face saving option: What will emerge out of Donbass region respectively Doneck Republic remains open. Could aid in establishing a “D-republic”. This should and can remain within the Ukraine.

-The “rebels” from Moscow must go home quickly….and admit that bringing down the MH 17 was a mistake, they had aimed at a Ukrainian jet fighter. Otherwise, as in 1983, another eight years will go by before a turn of events will occur.

Moscow doesn’t need heroes from the front line, so they will get off…

2. The discussing of options which will be fair to both sides proposing, for example, the status quo as well as a version for defining the future regional special status of the “D-Republic” are imperative, particularly as the revitalisation of the out-of-date industry for both the Ukraine and the RF would be too costly.

3. The revitalisation would be facilitated with the assistance of the EU, China, and the World Bank etc.

Further information can follow according to wishes or questions.

Georg D. , Forum Ost-West